The instant reboot of our busy mind - Recipe for happiness from our primitive ancestors
30. January 2021
Originally published on: | Our minds are busier than ever. In the modern world we have created, we are always connected and always on. From the moment we get out of bed, our attention jumps from one place to the other: from news headlines to social media, from emails to conference calls, from job hunting to online shopping. Does this way of life really nourish joy and well-being?

15. October 2020
Op adviseert de overheid een noodpakket aan te maken om voorbereid te zijn op rampen, calamiteiten of noodsituaties. Ben jij voorbereid op de top 10 bedreigingen (zie verderop in deze post) of is je zelfredzaamheid ver te zoeken?

31. August 2020
Restricted travelling within Europe during the COVID pandemic. It reminds me of holidays with my parents when I was young, when there were still passport checks at the borders within Europe. And that little sigh of relief from my father, when the border agent signalled him to proceed.

10. December 2018
Voor je in het water ligt een lege kano. Er is plek voor twee personen en wat bagage. Je gaat vijf dagen de wildernis in. Je portemonnee en telefoon zijn hier waardeloos. Er zijn geen campings of supermarkten onderweg. Wat neem je mee?

About us

Ever since our psychology studies, we have been fascinated by the primitive human instincts within us all. In 2012, our canoe trip through Sweden’s wilderness sparked a lifelong passion for its adventure and tranquility. Now, we’re on a mission to help others reconnect with their primitive self! Read more



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